Five Favorite Writing/Publishing Blogs

There is more to being a published writer than writing. While putting stories down into words is the most important aspect of an author’s career, it is also essential to know the business of writing. Many great resources can be found online, but there’s a lot to wade through. Several well-chosen blogs can make the search for information much easier.

Booksquare (
Booksquare covers a wide range of publishing and book-related news. From publishers and agents to libraries and copyright law, Booksquare culls the web to bring readers and writers alike pertinent tidbits and off-site links everyday. The contributors are not without their opinions, and The Daily Square offers a run-down of articles without commentary.

Miss Snark (
Since the blog began in June of 2005, Miss Snark has gathered a cult-like following. This New York agent fields questions from writers about the process of finding an agent or publisher. With rapier wit, Miss Snark demystifies the often confusing process and gives advice on bettering query letters and manuscript proposals. The blog also includes an indexed archive of past posts.

Writer Beware Blogs (
Victoria Strauss and A. C. Crispin have been the purveyors of the Writer Beware site since 1998. The Writer Beware Blog brings writers the latest in scam warnings as well as advice on how to spot a dishonest agent or publisher, and what to do if you may have been the victim of such. It is an invaluable reference for a writer starting out.

Romancing the Blog (
Though it is subtitled “what’s hip, what’s now, what’s tomorrow in the romance world,” Romancing the Blog offers daily columns on issues that are of interest to any writer. Recent essay topics include fear of success, the self-publishing stigma, and book buying habits. Contributors include authors, reviewers, and agents who are all bloggers themselves. Worthwhile reading no matter what chosen genre.

I Should Be Writing (
Though this blog supports the podcast of the same name, Mur Lafferty offers detailed show notes that include lots of links as well as non-podcast related posts. “Mighty” Mur is an aspiring author herself with a need-to-succeed attitude and a light-touch investigative technique. Again, though this blog is aimed toward speculative fiction, it’s helpful to writers of many genres.

This is just a short list of five useful blogs for writers. They offer plenty of advice and insight into the world of writing and publishing by those that are within the industry. And if five isn’t enough, each includes a links list to other great blogs!

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