Five Foods to Avoid when You Are Dieting

Pepperidge Farm Flaky Crust Chicken Pot Pie…..
How does 510 calories an 9 grams of saturated fat sound to you? That’s only the half of it. These pies are not that large and those numbers are for half a pie. I’d say it safe to say that most people would consider one pie one serving. Now we are talking about 1,000 calories, 18 grams of saturated fat and 13 grams of trans fat.
You may like the idea that it can be popped into the micowave but so can lots of foods. At a thosand calories a meal, I’ll be choosing soomething else.
Marie Callender’s Herb roasted Chicken Dinner.
Roasted chicken with herbs amy sound pretty healthy but in this case it is not. While 500 calories does not sound that bad, consider that this meal also provides 1,270 grams of sodium. This amount of sodium should come with a package warning that says, ” may lead to puffy ankles” . A small serving of broccoli florets and carrots does not mean nutrition. Twelve grams of fat makes this choice an artery clogger. There are many “light” choices now for prepared dinners. I think I will skip the “heavy whipping creme” included in this dinner.
King size Burger King French Fries.
French fries are not exactly known to be a diet food but we all eat them on ocassion. Some fries are worse than others.
“The King’s” fries just seem to be the worst. A king size order weighs in at a hefty 600 calories and three quarters of the daily recommendation for fat. If you simply must have your fries consider the small or child size or consider having only the fries.
Campbell’s red and white label soups.
Some soups are low in calorie. They are easy to make and some are great tasting. Unfortuantely, the regular type of the Campbells’ line are aslo brimming with sodium. One serving of soup, which is not one can, will provide more than the half the daily recommended dose of sodiium for the dsy. Healthy Choice Brand or Campbell’s Healthy Request brand are a better option. I, for one, do not like carrying around pounds of water weight. Plus I find the lower sodium soups are still good tasting.
McDonald’s Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips
Mcdoanld’s would have you belive that this item is one of the healthier choices you can make. “”One hundred percent whole white chicken breast seasoned and lightly breaded” does sound like a lighter meal. Sorry, it just is not so. In fact, if you order the chicken mcnuggets your calorie count is pretty much the same. The standard 5 piece chicken strips contain about 630 calories and 11 grams of fat. That’s roughly as many calories as a Big Mac, with one difference. The chicken strips contain even ore sodium than the big burger. It’s 1010 grams of sodium for a big mac and 1,500 grams of sodium fro the chicken strips. Please note, that that does not even include the strips’ dipping sauce. If you do eat at McDonalld’s a small hamburger with everything on it is a better choice, calorie wise, than any of the chicken options.
I know it can be challenging to diet and that sometimes we need the convience of ready made foods. I thought it would be informative to show exactly what we are getting with some of these choices. If this article did nothing else, I hopw it will encourage you to read nutritional values of the food items you buy. There are many choices now when it comes to ready made and esy to prepare foods. Don’t settle for something that is easy but sabotages your goals. It’s important that you look and feel good. A little knowledge can go a long way towards getting you to where you want to be. I know you can do it and get there eeven faster if you avoid these “five foods you should never eat when you are dieting.”
Enjoy your success!