Five Great Ways to Be a Good Friend

Friendship is an important part of life. We all have friends. A good friend is a friend to keep for a lifetime. Wouldn’t you agree? Good friends are hard to come by. Here are five ways that you yourself can be a good friend!

Avoid being judgmental. Noone likes to be judged. Many times a friend will confide in you. When that friend confides they are not looking to be judged. People tend to stay away from people who judge them. It doesn’t feel good to be judged. This makes your friend regret confiding in you. You may even lose your friend if you are overly judgmental. Noone is better than anyone. We are all unique. Try not to be judgmental. A good friend is not judgmental.

Be honest. A good friend is always honest. A friend who is honest is a person who can be trusted. Friendship is based on trust. Once a friend lies to you, you begin to doubt anything they say. This does not make for a healthy or lasting friendship. If your friend asks you for your honest opinion, give it. Honesty is always the best policy in the long run. A good friend is an honest friend.

Be a good listener. Sometime friends just need to talk. They may have something on their mind that is bothering them. A good friend is a good listener. They can listen with adding their two cents or butting in. We all need a good listener sometimes. A good friend listens with interest.

Give, don’t take. A good friend would give you shirt off of his back before he would take the shirt off of your back. A good friend is not looking for what’s in it for him. A good friend doesn’t take from the friendship alone, they also give. One way friendships just don’t work out. A one way friend ship is where only one person is willing to give and the other just takes and takes. Be a good friend by giving more than you take to the friendship, to your friend.

Have fun together. A good friend knows how to have some fun. A good friend for you will enjoy the things that you consider fun, at least some of them. Having fun together, laughing together, and just hanging out together are great ways to maintain a healthy friendship. Be a good friend, initiate some fun!

Friends are such an important part of life. Without them many of us would be lost. We need to respect our friends, and be honest with them. We need to have fun and enjoy the time we spend with our friends. I have given you five tips on being a good friend. There are many more ways. Can you think of some?

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