Five Maintenance Tips for Teak Wood Furniture

Teak wood furniture is one of the most popular types to use outside because of its durability. Since this type of wood is expensive, you will want to take the best care of it as possible. Therefore, there are a few things you should know about maintaining this type of furniture. This article will give you a few maintenance tips for teak wood furniture.


Cleaning teak wood furniture is relatively easy. If the furniture isn’t extremely dirty, you can simply wash it off with a garden hose. If your teak wood furniture is extremely dirty, you will likely need to use soap, water, and a soft sponge. You should avoid using a hard brush as it will likely remove the gray color from the furniture.


Teak wood furniture is naturally oily, so it won’t require treatment to be used outside. You should regularly apply more teak oil to your furniture so that it maintains its appearance. Oiling your teak wood furniture will help prevent stains settling into the grain. You need to make sure that the furniture has been cleaned and dried before oiling it.


Your teak wood furniture will occasionally get stains. If the stain is difficult to remove with soap and water, then you will likely need to sand it out. You can accomplish this by using a fine grade of sandpaper on your teak wood furniture. You need to make sure that you only sand in the direction of the grain. After sanding, you should apply more teak oil.


Many people use covers to protect their teak wood furniture. However, you should avoid using covers. If you use covers, moisture will likely become trapped beneath them. The furniture will also not get enough air to breathe properly. These conditions are perfect for mold to start growing on your teak wood furniture.


You can help prevent mold from forming on your teak wood furniture by cleaning it regularly. Mold will feed on foreign substances like dirt if you fail to do this. If mold does start growing on your teak wood furniture, you can use Clorox bleach mixed with water to remove it. You should allow the mixture to soak on the furniture for 20 minutes or so then spray it off with water. Then you simply just let it dry in the sun.

These are a few tips for maintaining teak wood furniture. Although it’s naturally oily, you should apply oil periodically so that the furniture will maintain its appearance. If stains set in, you may have to use a fine grade of sandpaper to remove them.

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