Five Security Tips for New Homeowners

Your Windows and Doors If you’re living in the middle of a crowded neighborhood, then the odds are no robber is going to break down your front door and waltz inside, but they will inspect the house to try and find that one window that your son or daughter left unlocked. Professional thieves are some of the most athletic people around and they can make their way to second levels simply by climbing on the side of your house. Window guards, Charlie bars and shatter proof glass are all excellent deterrents. Robbers are looking for a quick entry and anything that takes too long is more likely to get them noticed and thus less likely for them to attack. As mentioned before, even if you have all of the proper safeguards, forgetfulness can lead to disaster.
Your Alarm System Keep it on! There’s simply no telling how many homes have been looted that actually have an alarm system installed. Many families inherent alarm systems and simply don’t even make it a priority to learn how they work. This is one of the most pivotal mistakes a homeowner can make and should be avoided at all costs. If you can’t figure out how an alarm system works, have it removed and replaced with one that you can learn how to operate. As said before, keep it on! Laziness is something that robbers capitalize on.
Your Locks Flimsy locks just aren’t acceptable, but any margin of the imagination. Unless you plan to have your house look like a juicy steak to a burglar you should go out and get some deadbolts for your doors. There are several innovative ways to keep track of your keys with sensors or you can simply do away with them and go high tech with fingerprint ID locks.
The Neighbors Have a good relationship with your neighbors can save you if all else goes wrong. The old adage is that no one likes nosey neighbors, but if you’re close enough to them that they notice something suspicious they can ultimately alert the authorities and thwart any would be criminals.