Five Stain Removal Secrets
1. Hairspray
Let’s say your child decided to play with a pen and got it all over their new outfit. Ugh! Well, have no fear! Spray the mark with hairspray, rub it in really well, and then wash with warm water. Voila! Trust me, this has saved me so much stress!
2. Petroleum Jelly
Notice that lipstick stain smeared on your shirt after you’ve pulled it on? Or maybe you were kissing your hunny and got lipstick on the collar of his shirt? If so, there’s an easy fix! Simply rub some petroleum jelly over the stain and wash with hot water.
3. Simple Solution
This is one of the most simple solutions. I’m sure you have everything you need for this one. All you need is peroxide and dish detergent! Mix one part dish detergent, and two parts peroxide, spray it directly on the stain, rub it around, and that’s it! How wonderful is that?!
4. Magic Eraser
I’m sure pretty much everyone knows about this magical product. These things are one of my favorite inventions. You can put small pieces of a magic eraser in your toilet, let it set over night, and it will get rid of any stains in your toilet?! Magic erasers have gotten rid of stains that not even bleach has helped. Magic Erasers even help on rust!
5. Tissue Paper
Yep, who knew? Have you ever spilled water on your blouse or on something silk? Water leaves those annoying, dark stains. All you have to do is let the water dry a bit and then rub the area with tissue paper. No dark stain!