Five Steps to Live a Happy and Successful Life

If you want to live a happy and successful life you have to follow certain rules. And to follow rules you need to be determined and work hard. By throwing yourself in the waves of circumstances or luck you can’t do anything worthy in your life. Only good rules create positive circumstance or luck for you. There are five basic rules which will help you to rise happily in life.

1. Rule of Priority

Without deciding which plane to board we can’t reach our destination. Indecision will take us nowhere. As a consequence we have to suffer in frustration. If you want to make a brilliant career, know your priorities. Learn what to do and what not to do. Avoid gossiping, unnecessary chatting, too much watching of TV, wandering with friends. For fun teenagers like to do all these things. But they also lose precious time that can be used in career building. Most of such teenagers are unable to make a good career or get success in life. Many have to repent in long run as they are compelled to live a life of mediocrity.

2. Rule of Learning

The men have progressed by following this rule. We must keep learning all the time. Reading or watching rubbish just for pleasure is a joy today but a sorrow tomorrow. There are books, newspapers, TV programmes, educational courses from where we can learn a lot of things about our business and life. We can also learn from our juniors, seniors, family members and friends. We also learn from our mistakes and experience. Develop joy of learning. You will never have a boring minute in your life.

3. Rule of Sincerity

Keep sincerity in your relations whether they are personal or business. Deception or lies can build neither a good friendly circle nor a good business empire. Honest dealings are also maintained even among big criminals. Any insecurity results in shootings and dead bodies. Sincerity and faith is necessary for any venture to succeed. Customers only flock to those companies who keep commitment. Sincerity in relations and business always adds to our joy and fun.

4. Rule of Discipline

The whole universe is disciplined. We can’t be happy or successful without following this rule of the nature. To maintain proper discipline in our life we must manage our time well. It is a commodity we can’t get back in life. Once used it is finished for ever. Every morning make a schedule. Write the tasks you have to do. And give your total concentration in completing the tasks.

5. Rule of Change

The world passes through an unending process of change. Stagnation is dangerous for progress. You should always think about new ideas. Find out new and innovative ways to do a thing. If you don’t follow this rule you will become like a dead machine in competition. All the progress the man has made was possible only by abiding by the rule of positive change. There is a wise proverb: Change or perish.


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