Five Steps to a GREAT Complexion!

Both women and men want to have great skin. Unfortunately, not all of us do. Here are five steps you can take to turn your complexion into a great complexion!

Wash your face twice a day. Morning and night. Start by choosing a mild facial cleanser. Beware of using body soap, or shampoo, as these things can make your face break out. The are not chemically formulated for your faces delicate skin. Adjust your water so that it’s luke warm to cool. Water that is too hot can wreak havoc on your face as well. Also, remember to cleanse gently as scrubbing your face can do more harm than good.

Moisturize. There are tons of facial moisturizers on the market. You can find one at your local pharmacy or supermarket. Dry skin is not healthy skin. Healthy skin is well moisturized. When skin gets dry it gets irritated. This irritation may cause red spots and discoloration. For a great complexion keep your face hydrated!

Use hypo-allergenic, oil free cosmetics. Many cosmetics contain ingredients that will clog your pores causing blackheads and breakouts. Some contain perfumes and dyes that your skin may be sensitive too, also causing breakouts. Read cosmetic labels carefully when purchasing. Choosing products that are hypo-allergenic and oil free can go a long ways towards helping out your complexion.

Don’t pick. Many of us will automatically pick and squeeze when we run our fingertips across our face and feel a little bump. Picking and squeezing both do more harm than good. As a rule, try to keep your hands right away from your face. This is important not only because of the scars you’ll create picking, but also because our fingertips have dirt and oil on them that will cause yet another pimple or blackhead.

Make it a daily routine. Taking care of your face is something that needs to be done day in and day out. Wash your face every morning and night, moisturize every time you wash, always use hypo-allergenic products, try to never pick at or put your fingers near your face. After a few weeks of this daily routine you will notice dramatic results. You’re complexion will be clearer than ever!

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