Five Steps to a Healthy Garden

Is your garden thriving the way you would like it to be? There are several tricks to getting your garden to be as healthy and beautiful as possible. Here are five great ones…
Trick Number One…
Repel the bugs. There are several varieties of bugs that live in your garden. The thing with these garden bugs is that they are also eating and damaging your garden in the process. Check where you get your garden supplies for a spray on pesticide. Many are very safe and efficient. Read the labels carefully though, and always follow instruction well. Once the bugs are gone your garden will look much better. There will be no more bitten leaves or veggies 🙂
Trick Number Two…
Replenish the soil. Flowers or vegetables that are growing in old soil will not grow as well as those which are growing in refreshed soil. To refresh your soil simply mix some fresh in with the existing. After a while your soil loses it’s nutrients. Plants need these nutrients to grow and to thrive. Refreshing your soil mixes the nutrients back into the soil. Your plants will grow bigger and faster in good, healthy soil.
Trick Number Three…
Weed your garden. Weeds are a pest to every gardener. Unfortunately, they are something we just have to deal with. You could use a weed be gone kind of product to rid yourself of weeds. Or, you could just pull them the good old fashioned way, by hand. Weeding often makes this chore a piece of cake, and keeps your garden weed free, and healthy.
Trick Number Four…
Water your plants. Even an outside garden needs to be watered. During the summer month the ground is dry. There is little rain. This is when we need to get out the watering can or turn on the hose. Plants cannot live without water. They need to be watered regularly to grow healthy and radiant. Watering your plants often will ensure that they are not withering away.
Trick Number Five…
Check your garden at least once a day. Walk around it. See if your soil is getting dry. Check and see if the bugs are bothering your precious plants or vegetables. Gardens need attention. This doesn’t take much time at all. Just a few minutes. When you keep up on your gardening duties you will find that it is not a chore at all, but rather very enjoyable.