Five Tips for Buying Stud Finders

One of the first things you need to consider when buying stud finders is their type. You will have to choose between electronic and magnetic designs. Electronic stud finders are the most precise. They are also easier to operate than magnetic designs. The magnetic are less expensive, but aren’t nearly as accurate as the electronic variety.
When you find a stud, you will need to mark the location. Therefore, it’s useful to look for stud finders that include a marking mechanism. Some designs have a sharp pin in the base of the tool that is used to mark the location. Other stud finders use a sharp point on the front of the tool.
You may also want to choose stud finders that have a leveling feature. If you are trying to find a stud to hang a piece of art, then you’ll want it to be level. Some stud finders will generate a laser line that will you make sure that your piece of artwork is straight.
You will also need to think about wires when buying stud finders. If you will be driving nails more than three inches into the studs, you will need to make sure you don’t damage wires or pipes. Some stud finders can detect these wires and pipes so that you don’t damage them.
One of the final things you need to consider when buying stud finders is their scanning depth. It’s best to choose the highest scanning depth that you can find. Some stud finders will can only scan .75 inches. Other designs will have a scanning depth of 1.5 inches.
These are a few tips for buying stud finders. Since you will usually need to mark the location of the stud, you should look for a design that includes a marking mechanism. If you want precision and ease of operation, then you should look to buy electronic stud finders. Also, you may want to look for a design that has a scanning depth of 1.5 inches.