Five Tips for Buying an Electric Espresso Maker

If you love to drink espresso, you may want to consider investing in an electric espresso maker. There are a few things you need to consider when buying one. This article will give you a few tips for buying an electric espresso maker.


One of the first things you need to consider when buying an electric espresso maker is the type. Some machines use steam generated from heated water to create pressure. However, sometimes the pressure isn’t strong enough to make a quality drink. There is also an electric espresso maker that use a powered pump to create water pressure. This design produces a higher quality espresso. However, it is noisy, large, and expensive.


One of the next things you need to consider when buying an electric espresso maker is the control. You should always look to buy a design that has strength controls. This type of electric espresso maker will allow you to control how much coffee grounds or water that is used to make the espresso. You will be able to make the exact kind of espresso that you like.


You may also want to think about buying an electric espresso maker that has a pre-moistening cycle. This feature will moisten the coffee grounds before your shot is pulled. This type of electric espresso maker will help retain the aromatic oils in your drink.

Water Filter

One of the next things you may want to look for when buying an electric espresso maker is a water filter. These built-in filters will remove iron and chlorine from the water so that it tastes better. You should take note that an electric espresso maker with a built-in water filter will require more maintenance as you periodically have to replace the filter.

Steam Wand

One of the final things you may want to look for in an electric espresso maker is a steam wand. This steam wand is used to froth milk. This is especially useful when you want to use the electric espresso maker to make a cappuccino or latte. More expensive machines will include a container for the milk in addition to the steam wand.

These are a few tips for buying an electric espresso maker. You should look for a design that features a pre-moistening cycle so that the aromatic oils are retained from the coffee grounds. You may also want to buy an electric espresso maker that includes a built-in water filter that will remove chlorine and iron.

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