Five Tips for Using Deer Blinds

You should always consider the wind direction when using deer blinds. Deer can smell very well, so it’s best to erect the blind downwind of where the deer will be coming from. You can also use a scent-blocking liner inside of deer blinds. This will keep most of your scent at bay, but will not totally remove your smell.
It’s best to use manufactured deer blinds if you want to be protected from the elements. Blinds that you create yourself will do little to protect you from wind and rain. Manufactured deer blinds can provide total shelter from the elements. This will allow you to sit comfortably longer when conditions are harsh.
You will also need to consider height when using deer blinds that are erected off the ground. You don’t want the blind to be at the deer’s eye level when it comes to the area. The deer will notice you easily and likely go away. Therefore, you need to make sure that you erect deer blinds high enough.
When using deer blinds, you will usually have the choice between having an open or covered window. An open window will create a large black hole in the side of the blind. This will be very noticeable to the deer. Therefore, you should use covered windows with deer blinds. They will likely come much closer if you have the window covered with camouflage.
You should always erect deer blinds before the start of the hunting season. This will give the deer a chance to get used to the blind. It’s usually best to erect deer blinds a month or two in advance. You can also try putting white rags on the side of the blinds. The deer will get accustomed to the movement and will be less likely to be spooked if they notice you moving in the blind.
These are a few tips for using deer blinds. You should always try to erect them downwind from the direction the deer will be coming from. You should also make sure that you cover the window when using deer blinds. A large black hole will likely spook the deer.