Five Tips for Using Fence Chargers

Fence chargers are used to electrify fencing. They are commonly used to provide protection for livestock, but can also be used to keep small animals away from your garden. There are a few things you should know to get the most out of these devices. This article will give you a few tips for using fence chargers.

Power Supply

Fence chargers can be powered by a battery or 110-volt AC, which is common household current. Those that use household current will have the highest shocking power. Fence chargers that are battery-powered are also effective. Some batteries also have solar panels that will recharge the battery, effectively doubling its life.


You need to pay close attention to weeds when using fence chargers. The weeds will set off the fence if they touch the wires. This can cause the fence to short out and stop working. Your fence will work much better if you keep grass and weeds under control. You should also make sure there are no branches or pieces of debris that can trip the wire and short out the fence.


When you are using fence chargers to keep animals out, you might want to try baiting them. Once an animal has been shocked once, it will rarely return to the fence You can use peanut butter or other foods to bait the fence. When the animal comes to inspect the food and receives a shock, it will get the message.


Fence chargers will only do their job when they are functioning correctly. Therefore, you will need an easy way to detect any operational problems with your fence. Most people use blinking lights or alarms to alert them whenever there is something wrong with their fence chargers. This way, they can easily tell when something is wrong and they can do something about it quickly.

Voltage Tester

It’s quite common to experience short outs when using fence chargers. Therefore, you will benefit from having access to a voltage tester. This tools allows you to easily pinpoint the problem whenever the fence shorts out.

These are a few tips for using fence chargers. Those that are powered by household current will deliver the most shocking power. You should also make sure you control the growth of weeds and grass while using fence chargers because they can short out the fence. You should also consider equipping alarms or blinking lights to alert you whenever there is something wrong with the fencing.

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