Five Tips for Using an Electric Bead Reamer

An electric bead reamer is useful for making bigger holes in your gemstones, pearls, or beads. There are a few things you need to know about using one of these jewelry tools. This article will give you a few tips for using an electric bead reamer.


You should always use some form of lubrication while using an electric bead reamer. The diamond-coated tips create a lot of friction during operation, and will wear down if you use them dry. Therefore, you should lubricate your electric bead reamer with water regularly while you enlarge holes.


You will also need to pay attention to how much pressure you’re generating with the electric bead reamer. You should avoid using too much force because this can easily cause your bead to break. It’s best to use the electric bead reamer to enlarge holes slowly and with as little pressure as possible.


You should also think about using a bead holder when using an electric bead reamer. Using a bead holder is especially useful when you’re working with an extremely small bead that’s hard for you to grip. Using a bead holder with an electric bead reamer will also help prevent you from poking yourself with the tip of the tool.


There will be a lot of dust produced while using an electric bead reamer. Therefore, you should periodically wipe the dust off of the tip of the tool. It’s best to have a wet napkin handy just for this purpose. Also, you will need to make sure that you wipe the dust off of the beads. The dust will irritate your skin if you fail to wipe if off of the beads.


You will also need to pay attention to the edges when using an electric bead reamer. You need to make sure that the edges are smooth. If you leave sharp edges behind after using your electric bead reamer, they will likely cut the material that you use to string the beads.

These are a few tips for using an electric bead reamer. You need to make sure that you periodically wipe the dust from the beads and the tip of the tool. You also need to make sure that you use some form of lubrication with your electric bead reamer. Otherwise, the tips won’t last as long as they should. Make sure that you don’t leave any sharp edges or they will likely cut your stringing material.

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