Five Tips to Make Your Sewing Project Successful

These are five tips on how to make your sewing project a success.
Tip #1:Follow Directions, It is very important to follow the directions on the pattern. It is a good idea to look over the entire pattern and all the directions before starting anything. See what steps that you will be taking and in what order you are going to take them. If you don’t read the instructions you will probably become very good with the seam ripper. ( I am an expert with the thing.)
Tip #2: Measure, Measure, Measure, this step cannot be over stated. It is really important to measure everything two or three times before you cut your fabric. Fabric can be expensive so you don’t want to end up ruining it. After you have measured everything and have the pattern laid out, very carefully cut your fabric with sharp scissors. Your scissors are an important tool, make sure that they are not used for anything but cutting fabric. Cutting paper or plastic or any other material will dull them.
Tip #3: Pin everything, Pinning can be a nuiscance, however this can be the diffrence between a finished, professionally done garment and one that is just ok. Use as many pins as it takes to keep your seams straight and neat. This is even more important when working on cuffs, collars, sleeves, and hems. Pins are a very inexpensive way to insure the success of your project.
Tip # 4: Iron your seams, You should have your iron and ironing board up and ready to go. Use it often. Use it while pinning and before and after sewing your seam. This keeps everthing straight. This way you can see how you are doing as you go along and fix anything before you move on.
Tip # 5: Finish all your seams, finishing may seem like a waste of time. After all your project seems to be done. Fininshing though makes your garment look professionally done and is well worth the effort. You can finish your seams with a zig-zag stich or a serger. Press everything when you are finished. Make sure all the treads are cut and that your hems, bttonholes, zippers or other fasteners are on tightly and neatly. If you take your time, your project will turn out better and you will be happier with it.
Taking a piece of cloth and creating something you can use or wear is an incredible feeling. The satisfying feeling you get when you see your beautiful project will make all the time you spent working on it worth it. These five tips can help you to make your sewing project a success.