Five Ways to Care for Your Wooden Cutting Board

Wooden cutting boards can be a wonderful addition to your kitchen. In addition to that, they can also be quite beautiful, especially if you opt for the custom-made variety, as they come in a wide array of rich and exotic woods. You can even purchase one that is comprised of multiple types of wood, in order to create a really nice quality and look. When purchasing a cutting board, however, it is imperative for the life it, and for sanitary reasons, that you use care to maintain and sufficiently clean it. The following five tips will help you to properly care for your board.

One: Periodically oiling your cutting board with mineral or butcher block oil (the best kinds, as they do not turn rancid) will help to preserve its quality. Simply heat a little until it is warm and then use a soft cloth to apply a layer of the oil (wiping with the grain) and allow it settle into the wood. Repeat several times (the initial process could take half of a day or so). Reapply a layer of warmed oil and allow it to soak in whenever you notice a color or consistency change in the wood. This step will help to preserve the life of your cutting board by preventing it from cracking and splitting.

Two: Wash boards in dish detergent and then immediately dry them as thoroughly as possible. Excess moisture permitted to sit on the surface can cause your board to bloat, and may irreparably damage it. Never soak or immerse your boards in water.

Three: If you have hard to get off food items on the board, you may want to reach for your steel wool or SOS pad. In a word: Don’t! If you do, you are opening up your board to become a great host of bacteria as the harshness of them could easily create microscopic splits and openings on the surface for contaminants to thrive.

Four: Distribute use evenly. To keep your cutting board in balance, use both sides of it and do not cut only in the center position. This will help keep the surface of your board even.

Five: Purchase a storage utility for hanging the board vertically, or stand it on one end to allow proper air ventilation. Or you can custom purchase a board that has feet on it, if you prefer leaving it out, or storing it horizontally.

These five tips, if used consistently will help maintain the life (and health) of your wooden cutting board.

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