Five Ways to Clean Your Bathroom in Under Twenty Minutes

When the speed-cleaning demon gets the best of you, it may be necessary to pull out the heavy artillery of supplies. Cleaning the bathroom is easy when you’re armed with the right tools and accessories; you’ll need a basic bucket and gloves to get started, but don’t compromise on some of today’s most efficient tools to get the job done right! Whether it’s the guest bathroom that needs some freshening up, or it feels like a hurricane has blown through your master bath, here are five ways to get your bathroom looking pristinely clean; all in twenty minutes or less:

Cleaning Strategy #1: Grab that Swiffer!

The Swiffer WetVac is one efficiency booster you’ll fall in love with. Just fill it with a magical solution, and let it run over all of your tile for a major deep clean. The standard Swiffer is also a handy tool for dusting and basic cleaning; if you want to pick up hair and dirt without a vacuum cleaner, pick up the dry version with dry cloths and you’ll be ready to go.

Cleaning Strategy #2: Windex with power

Use a damp cloth and coat all your mirrors and glass with Windex. Leave to dry, then spray again with a fresh coat of Windex for the ultimate clean, before wiping it down with a dry cloth. This naturally eliminates streaks, but you’ll have the added benefit of reduced dust accumulation from the cloth.

Cleaning Strategy #3: Spray n’ Wash just got better

Pick up your favorite brand of scum cleaner, and start the process of removing mildew by spraying all areas thorougly, and leave to set at least 10 minutes. You can use a simple wet sponge to circulate the liquid, but let it dry before removing for an easy, scrub-free way to remove the grime.

Cleaning Strategy #4: Shower door cleaning

This can be a hard area to keep clean and clear, but a simple homemade solution may be just what you need to get yours looking like glass again. Dip a sponge in pure white vinegar and simply wipe down the area. You’ll be surprised how quickly water spots and streaks pull a disappearing act.

Cleaning Strategy #5: Toilet cleaning solutions

If you’re tired of limited or no results with your toilet bowl cleaner, or just want to try something new, a simple homemade solution can still pack a punch. Mist together equal parts of baking soda, liquid detergent, and water in a bowl. Dab your toilet brush and start scrubbing; two flushes is all it takes to get rid of that ring o’ dirt.

After all the major scrubbing is complete, just wipe down all areas with a damp towel and leave your favorite scented diffuser in place. Your twenty minute routine will quickly become a biweekly habit, leaving any bathroom picture perfect!

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