Five Ways to Get Yourself into a Better Mood

Day by day we all experience different moods. Some days we feel great, ready to take on anything. Other days we feel BLA. Just not a good as we could. This happens to everyone. Here are five ways that you can get yourself into a better mood the next time the BLA feeling strikes you.

Think positive. Our thoughts have a dynamic impact on our moods. When you fill your mind with positive thoughts you tend to feel more positive. It is always a good idea to look on the bright side. Try to focus on the pros rather than the cons of life and you’ll be sure to be feeling better in no time flat.

Turn on some music. Your favorite music can help to get you into a better mood too. Music is a wonderful mood lifter. The beat and the rhythm do something for the soul, as do beautifully sung lyrics. You can even find inspirational music available, which is really a great mood lifter. So, the next time you’re feeling down, put on some tune to pick yourself back up 🙂

Call up an old friend. Friends can make us feel good. People who we love and care about deeply, that mean a lot to us. These people will usually most always put us in a much better mood. Call up a local buddy for a chat, or a long distance pal you haven’t talked to in a while. Reconnecting has a way of lifting spirits too. Conversation is a wonderful mood lifter.

Go for a walk. Get out into the fresh air and take a brisk walk. Walking can help to keep you in shape, and can put you into a better mood too. Being active releases chemicals in your body that make you feel good. Once you’re done with your walk you will definitely notice an improvement in your mood!

Take a nap. Sometimes we get that BLA feeling just because our bodies are exhausted. Taking a short nap can help us to feel much better. A nap recharges our body. When we awaken we will have more energy and a rested feeling. This feels good. After a nice nap I am sure that you’re mood will be significantly improved.

Noone likes to feel BLA. However, we all get into down moods sometimes. I have just given you five ways to get yourself into a better mood. There are several more ways other than these five. Can you think of them?

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