Five Ways to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

Today every time we go into a supermarket we see the cost of even simple grocery items go up. The cost of gas has contributed to this rising cost of living. By the time most of us get a raise our grocery bill has already exceeded the amount of the raise and then some. Here are five simple ways to save money on your grocery bill.

The first thing is make a list. Most people figure they can rember what they need,however by the time we get there and are bombarded with hundreds of items, in one section alone, we forget what all we came for. You might be thinking I do make a list but I still don’t have everything I need for a meal when it comes time to cook.

This goes along with point number two: Make a menu for one or two weeks in advance then based on that. This is helpful in two ways, one you have everything you need for that meal and you don’t have to wonder at the end of a long day what you are going to make thus eliminating the temptation to eat out which is truly expensive these days.

The third way to save money is DO NOT GO SHOPPING WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY!!! Make sure you eat before you go then you will shop with your head and not your stomach.

Next don’t give in to the urge to by what ever appeals to your eye. Stick to your list . The supermarkets have people who study human behavior and they know just were to posision thing so that you buy them first and think about it latter don’t be a victim of the advertising world.

The last thing you might do to save money at the grocery store is to clip cupons. I know this can take a little time however don’t underestimate the amount you can save. You don’t have to make it a hobby just clip the ones out of the Sunday paper that you know you will use. Just because it is a good deal does not mean you have to suddenly start buying and eating things you never have before.

We all have to eat. These five suggestions hopfully will help you save some money on your next grocery bill.

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