Fix Your Pet’s Tail Problems

Dogs and cats have small glands located at the base of their tails that sometimes release large amounts of fluid, which causes their skin to get oiy, sore, and become inflamed. The problem is more evident in males than females. To help fix this problem, apply a light dusting of cornstarch or cornmeal. After powdering the tail, wait five minutes then comb the powder out. Do this once or twice a week to fix your pet’s tail problems. Make sure you keep your pet’s tail clean, unclean tails can cause infections. When giving your pet a bath be sure to wash their tail real well, you can also wash their tail without giving them a complete body wash.
If your pet’s tail is sore or infected (you will see bald spots on the tail), wash the tail with an antibacterial cleanser several times a week to heal the sore or infection quickly. Your pet will love this treatment because it will also help soothe the soreness. Another way to fix your pet’s tail problems is to tackle acne on the tail. Yes, pets can get acne but not on their face, on their tails due to the release of oily glands. To fix the acne problem, use an over the counter medication like benzoyl peroxide or cortaid. Be sure to use an over the counter medication with only 2.5 percent ointment to avoid irritation.
We’ve all seen it – a dog or cat in a frenzy situation chasing their own tail. It’s like they just discovered their own tail and it becomes a toy or an enemy to them. Whatever causes pets to suddenly chase their own tail can result in your pet nibbling or biting their tail, which can cause problems. To keep them from going after their own tail, give your pet a rawhide bone to chew on or a rubber toy to gnaw on instead of their tail. You can also try to make loud noises to distract your pet from chasing their tail.
If your pet is in the house, be sure to keep them away from or remove items that can be easily knocked over or bumped against, which can cause damage to their tail. Some believe that tail chasing is a sign of stress, I tend to believe it maybe caused by boredom as well. Whatever the reason, give your pet plenty to do to keep them from chasing their tail. Give them enough toys, play with them or walk them more often to reduce stress or boredom. If your pet’s tail ever becomes broken or severely damaged, be sure to take them to the vet to help fix the problem.