Flavor of Love 2: Review of Episode 2

Well, here it is in a nut shell: Somethin didn’t poop on the floor and so, by default, the second episode of Flavor of Love 2 was not as good as the season premier. That’s not to say that it didn’t have its share of awesome, Flavtastic moments though. The producers saved most of the funniest hijinks for the last five minutes, as the clock ceremony was extra juicy this week.
The field of girls was knocked from 14 down to 12 on Sunday as Spunkeey and Wire were the latest bitches to be shown the door. Spunkeey offered up the most quotable moment of the episode as she whispered to Flav, “Would it have made a difference if I had fucked you,” or something like that. She didn’t say this in a mean-spirited way either. She just seemed really sad and serious, like she was so certain that if she had somehow managed to have sex with Flavor Flav that there’s no way she could have been kicked off. Spunkeey had basically pissed off everyone in the house, and though she was fairly good-looking, it was her bad attitude that led to her departure. It also didn’t help that Toastee outed her as a failed Real World contestant. For some reason, and this is beyond even me, Flavor Flav hates reality TV hoes. Can you smell the irony?
The fact that Wire, the white chick with the awful gap who isn’t Buckwild, got kicked off this weekend wasn’t surprising at all. In fact, I was kind of shocked that she made it past the season premier. What was shocking though was a few of the things that weird Wire said and did. First, she tried to interrupt a Flav and Buckeey makeout session (or maybe it was Bootz, I’m not sure). If that didn’t seal her removal right there, then the fact that she played a lot of annoying piano and sang a lot of out of tune songs definitely did. She was also responsible for a pretty awesome one-liner. When asked if she would have Flav’s baby, she responded, “Yes, I’ve always wanted dark babies.” It’s a miracle that the mostly African American contingence didn’t tear her to shreds right then and there.
There is just something about the wigger-chick Buckwild (is wigger still PC?), the best character on Flavor of Love 2. Everything that this white girl says is so unintentionally hilarious that she makes George W. Bush look like Carrot Top. It’s not that Buckwild wants to be black, I mean she might, who knows? It’s just that her personality is contagious, who cares what her motives are? She comes across my TV set as a beautifully real beacon of freedom and laugher, and that’s all that matters.
As I said before, Somethin did not poop on the floor this episode. Just thought I’d repeat that because it will never, NEVER get old.