Flaws in the Mentality of Our Nation’s Leaders

The war on Iraq seems to be our nations hottest topic thus far, but can anyone really remember why? Why are we currently in the process of seizing Iraq? I can tell you why, and it’s simple really. It is a personal vendetta for family vengance.

George W. Bush Sr. had a conflict with Iraq long ago, and now that his son is in power it seems only fitting to pick up his father’s unfinished buisness right? But such is not logical. Iraq as a country, a third world country with minimal firearms compared to the United States, is not really that large of a threat. Honestly this nation’s forces, if fully directed towards Iraq, could not only storm the country, but probably annihilate all of its inhabitants.

America as a nation is also running desperately short on oil. Yes, we have something along the lines of three hundred thousand reserve tanks for U.S. usage, but at a rate of around 1.5 million oil tankers used daily by America that reserve will not do too much. Here’s a proposal that Bush just doesn’t seem to grasp: We have a stronghold on Iraq. Iraq has oil, oil that we desperately need. Why is a peace treaty not the obvious choice in this situation?

Another natural catastrophe has recently struck our nation. The great hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana. It is just within the past two and a half weeks that inhabitants of New Orleans were allowed to reenter the city. There are still no public services, lights, gas, or water. Even still, several feet of water flood through New Orleans.

If half of our nation’s National Guard didn’t happen to be in Iraq fighting a war that they never signed up for, and were instead here helping with what they’re supposed to do, per-say hurricane Katrina, New Orleans could have a lot more headway by now.

Another trusted leader making terrible decisions is the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin. Mayor Nagin was warned three weeks in advance that there was a massive natural catastrophe on it’s way, it would have taken three days to have all public transport system relocate all of New Orleans.

The way clearance for evacuation works: The head of the city, Ray Nagin must ask the head of state. Then the head of state, if he agrees that evacuation is neccesary, must discuss the matter with a government official. If the government official agrees, then the city is evacuated.

The problem began in that Ray Nagin never even took the matter to the head of Lousiana. Not only could this nation wide tragedy have been avoided, Ray Nagin, it could have been fixed by now, George W. Bush.

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