Fleece Blanket Craft Project

We have all seen those cute 2 sided fleece blankets that everyone seems to be making lately. They are easy to make, easy to personalize, and best of all warm. Homemade fleece blankets make a fabulous gift as well. Fleece is relatively inexpensive and this project require no sewing what so ever. I can always find fleece for about $5.99 a yard. Look for sales at your fabric store to save money. To save even more money you could recycle unused fleece blankets for beds in your house. If you don’t need them there is no reason to let them sit in the closet taking up valuable storage space.

To Make a 2 Sided Fleece Blanket You Will Need:

3 Yards of Fleece in 1 Pattern
3 Yards of Fleece in another pattern
That’s all!
Well, some scissors

The first sep in this easy craft project it to decide what size you want to make your fleece blanket. Try to buy your fleece in at least a 48 inch wide piece so you can make a decent size throw blanket. Cut both of your pieces to the same size.

Next, lay your fleece material patterns outward. Face the front of each piece away from each other. I like to pin the pieces secularly together with straight pins. Pin these about four inches in from the border or edge, this will be important in a minute or two. Work your way all around the fleece blanket until you have secured all four sides.

Now, take your scissors and get ready to start cutting g your fleece material. Start in one corner and begin cutting 1 inch wide strips that are four inches deep into the fleece fabric. You can do wider strips, but the main point is to be consistent. To save time cut the strips through each piece of fabric at the same time. This will be very helpful when you go to tie them together. Cutting the strips on each piece of fleece fabric at the same time will ensure that you have the same amount of strips on each piece of fleece. Cut along each side until all sides are outlined with these small strips of fabric.

Now, for the fun part of this craft project. Start in that same original corner and begin tying one fabric strip from each piece of fleece together. Tie the pieces that match up together. Work your way around the throw until all sides have been tied together. I like to tie two knots at each strip to keep the fleece blanket from coming apart.

Remove all of the straight pins and your fleece blanket is finished! Now that is an easy simple craft project that almost and child or adult can complete in one afternoon.

The fun part of this craft project comes in choosing fun fleece material that fits your personality. I have seen great fleece throws made with Spiderman Patterns on one inside and a solid color on the other side. You can also do your school colors. For a more country log cabin look try to look for plaid fleece. Pastel pinks, blues, and yellows make a perfect baby gift. Best of all this is a very affordable and useful gift.

If your local fabric store doesn’t have a great selection of fleece you do have other options. I have found great fleece online at a number of different sites. www.fabric.com has a huge selection of fleece perfect for a blanket. They also sell their fleece as discounts from retail prices. Savings can be up to 50%, which will offset the cost of shipping. www.fleece-fabric.com also has a huge selection of fleece fabric. You can find a great selection of patterned fleece material as wall as solid color fleece material.

The key to success with this craft project is to personalize it. It is so simple and easy to do. The real thought comes in tracking down the perfect piece of fleece fabric for the blanket.

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