Flip Flops: From No Name to Name Brand

Gone are the days when wearing flip-flops beyond the pool or beach scene was a definite no-no, also long gone are the days when wearing flip flops to a social gathering would cause a stare from one or two individuals. The thought of wearing $1.00 shoes out beyond their acceptable place would be a definite topic of conversation among many. These day’s flip-flops are paired with everything from Wal-Mart capris to conservative chanel pantsuits. Flip-flops grace every scene from the check out aisle in the supermarket to the red carpet by the most photographed celebrities.
Flips- flops were also the shoe of choice by 4 young women from Northwestern University lacrosse team on a visit to the White House, although it was frowned upon by a few, in their own defense the girls said they wore a dresser version of the flip flop and they were looking for something comfortable to wear.
In conclusion, Whether name brand or not , flip flops are a universal fashion statement adored by many. Flips-Flops are as present on Michigan Ave as they are in urban neighborhoods. It dosent matter the size of the income or where a person is from, Flip-Flops are truly the cinderella of footwear in today’s society.