Floors Will Not Redo Themselves

I finally did something worth mentioning. I replaced the bathroom floor. I have a small bathroom, so it only took a day. This feat is worth mentioning, because I may never have done it, if I hadn’t received a call from my Mom on Sunday.

Have you ever heard the sound of a giddy girl’s excitement? Have you ever heard that sound coming out of your mother? Sunday I heard my Mom squeal like a school girl. She borrowed a phone to call me from Mexico City. She is currently on her first International trip. No, she isn’t overseas, but she’s also not in America, and that counts. Her first passport stamp. So exciting.

It’s interesting to me, that people think dreams can’t come true. The truth of the matter is that dreams are possible realities. It took my mother 48 years to leave America. But she did it. And when she comes back she’ll be starting her 5th semester in college. College, 48 years old and going to college. Wow. I frequently wonder if college is in my stars.

I don’t know what being on a mission trip through college is like. But when Mom makes it back I plan on grilling her thoroughly. I sent her off with a cheap digital camera, and lots of batteries. Perhaps she’ll figure out how to use it and get a plethora of pictures of the orphans they are working with.

So, yes, with the house to myself, I’m rocking out, playing music as loud as I like, all night long. I’m sitting up into the wee hours of the morning laying tiles. And making sure the chores are done. Have to wash the clothes and dishes all by myself. It’s rough, I know, but somebody’s gotta do it.

Fortunately, my mother had the foresight to notify my aunt and grandmother of her trip. My loving family has called me each day to make sure that I’m getting on. I love it. 27 year old lesbian that’s a momma’s boy. And when momma ain’t here aunt and grandma step up. What a beautiful concept: family.

By the feel of it, one would come to the conclusion that I am helpless, but then again, perhaps I just know a good thing when I see it. My mom may do my laundry when she’s home, and let me tell you that takes a load off. But don’t be fooled. It’s no easy job helping her through college. Perhaps when she graduates I’ll get an award that says: Bachelor Degree in B.S.

I can’t wait to watch her cross the stage and get her degree. That day I’m going to scream and holler like a beered up football fan at a game. Cause the day she graduates will be the day two dreams come true.

Until that day, I’m going to keep on, remodelling one room at a time. The Family Dollar store a half a block from the house is a beautiful thing. That’s where I got the floor tiles. They didn’t have a large selection, but the price was just right. And I never tire of “eeny-meeny-miny-mo.” Next I think I’ll tackle the laundry room, I’ll have to make sure I do it before school starts. Can’t interrupt the education process.

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