Flour and Its Many Uses

Every household has flour init for baking. I like using household items for other uses, because it saves money. Here are some uses for the common flour that is residing in your kitchen cabinet.

– Dust flour and a pinch of black pepper onto the soil around your perennials to keep flies and other garden pests away.

-Pour a line of flour around your plants it will keep the ants away

-Make a kid safe paste by mixing flour and water to a pancake batter consistency, then they can use it on paper and carboard.

-Chrome can be cleaned by sprinkling white flour on a dry rag and polishing in a circular motion

Make your own brass and copper polish by mixing 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar into a paste. Use a damp sponge and gently wipe the metal, allow the polish to dry for around an hour or hour and a half, them rinse with warm water and buff with a clean cloth.

– oil spill or grease on your carpet, it can be picked up by pouring flour on the spots, let it stand then vacuum it up

– If you don’t have time to wash your hair, sprinkle a little flour in your hair and brush through, gets rid of oil and dandruff.

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