Flying Squirrel Watching

What’s that in the air? A plane, a bird, No! It’s flying squirrels! My husband Tim discovered that we have flying squirrels. He was in the backyard and noticed that our outdoor cat, Muffin, was glued to a tree with her head pointed straight up in the air. She wouldn’t budge, so he went over to see what had her attention. All of a sudden he hears something land on the tree. It was a squirrel that had not come down from the tree, but had come gliding in from across the yard.

The other night we stood out in the middle of the yard waiting for one of those little, furry gliders to go overhead. Tim told me that they fly silently. You only hear them when they land. I gave him fair warning that if one of those flying rats landed on me, I was going to totally lose it. Tim got out our flood light so we could see when they flew overhead. We stood there waiting and finally this thing with a white underbelly comes sailing by and looks like it was trying out to be a Blue Angel. Wow! I had never seen anything like that. A flying squirrel? I had heard of them, but to finally see one made me awe struck. Awe struck that is, at our Creator.

We kept standing there and we heard this scratching sound. That sound was of one landing. We couldn’t see it, but Muffin was standing guard again at the tree. It wasn’t long before we saw a little head peek around to look at us. Flying squirrels have totally different personalities than do regular run of the mill squirrels. 🙂

My husband hopes to be able to pet one and have it eat out of his hand. For me, no thank you. I am happy just to behold them with my eyes. No up close and personal for me.

So, who says you have to spend money to have a good time? Squirrel watching is free!

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