Foods that May Trigger a Gout Attack

Gout is described as a sudden attack of pain of the joints. According to the Mayo Clinic website this sudden attack of pain can be associated with redness and tenderness. This pain will normally occur at the big toe or in one’s knees. Gout is also referred to as a complex type of arthritis. It can affect both men and women. Foods are one of the main causes for gout. In past times, Gout was known as the rich man’s disease because an abundance of certain foods and drinks only a rich man could afford during these times was known as the main cause of this condition. Today, research proves that certain foods and drinks do contribute to this condition. Some of these foods and drinks include the following, according to the website, Web MD.
High Purine Foods
Some foods that are high in purine include sardines and anchovies. The purine is found naturally in these foods, as well as others. It also causes uric acid to form, which can lead to a flare up of gout. However, foods that are low in purine will not generally cause a flare-up of gout. This means that is usually safe to eat low purine food such as lentils, beans, and asparagus.
Alcohol is another substance that is high in purines. Beer is the worse type of alcohol one can drink because it contains purines, as well as yeast. However, wine is considered a moderate risk when it comes to drinking alcohol. Therefore, it is one’s best option if they are prone to gout attacks.
People who drink coffee regularly may have a decrease in the amount of gout attacks they have. This can include people who drink as much as four cups of coffee a day. However, someone who only drinks a cup of coffee here and there, may have an increased risk of a gout attack after that occasional cup of coffee. However, other caffeinated drinks could increase everyone’s chances of developing an attack of gout.
Meats That Are Covered In Gray Or Broth
Meats such as chicken, turkey and lean beef can be eaten by those who have gout attacks. However, meats that are smothered in gravies and broths are known to cause a gout attack. Therefore, they should be eaten less often.
There are also foods and drinks that one should eat during a gout attack, as well to prevent one from occurring. These foods and drinks include the following:
Dairy Products
It was once believed that one should avoid dairy products because they could cause the uric acid in one’s body to rise. Now, it has been proven that the opposite is true. Dairy products can prevent and help break down uric acid. Therefore they should be used during and before gout attacks. This includes drinking full glasses of 40 percent low fat milk.
You already know you should drink water daily. Now you can add drinking 5 to 8 glasses eight ounce glasses of water a day on the list of ways to preventing gout as a reason to drink water.
Fruit that is high in Vitamin C can prevent gout. This includes oranges and tangerines. Cherries and cherry juice can also help eliminate the pain from a gout attack.
No, gout is not a fun condition. It may sound like it since it was once referred to as rich man’s disease. However, it is one that can cause severe pain. But it is also one that can be avoided by watching what you eat.