Forbidden Discussion: Don’t Talk About Sex

From the tenets of organized religion to the liposuction aura of Hollywood, we are bombarded with sex messages but given no mentorship. We have no support systems that address the singular act that has brought every human being-six billion of us-into existence. The singular human act that drives the continuance of our species, in an age when AIDS or the threat of WMDs could destroy us, and we don’t know how to discuss it? A woman can send an electronic message across the globe in five seconds, but she can’t talk with her husband about why she has never had an orgasm? This disconnect must be discussed, out loud, now. The dysfunction in America increases every day as we see people reaching harder and higher for impossible levels of happiness but neglecting the part of their humanity that is very often the core of self-esteem and identity: their sexuality.
People are crying out for REALness about sex. Not hyperbole, not manufactured scripting, not McSex, not stumbling naked into the American sexual “Just Do It!” battlefield with no emotional preparation. With all the visibility that gay communities have achieved in the last several decades, demanding acceptance for alternative sexual orientations, it is time for people of every orientation to make a stand against sexual repression, against the messaging that tries to brainwash us into believing that our bodies are dirty. Sex is not divine, or sick, or dirty, or evil, or sacred-it’s human. It’s the human act that we are hard-wired to desire and taught to not talk about.
When people begin to experience talking freely about their sexual needs, they discover an amazing systemic effect. As they find peace and balance in their own bodies, they discover that the feeling of balance spreads and touches the rest of their lives-their relationships with family members, co-workers, friends, with the world. Imagine a world where you can be as comfortable discussing sex as when discussing philosophy, business, or current events. We must create that world.
Our culture must change. It’s time to end the organized repression, the ignorance, the disastrous decision-making, the adolescent fear.
It’s time for a revolution.