Forget About the Newspaper, the Radio, the Television: The New ‘online Magazine’ Model is Called a BLOG

What is a Blog? Simply an interactive website where pros can be posted, commented on, subscribed to and followed; where authors can post, comment, even moderate; basically, the BLOG is a new version of the old Newsgroup, with a few more bells and whistles that round out the package. not to relieve the suspense, though, BLOGS and BLOGGING are the proverbial ‘new rage’ online.
By creating a Blog, anyone who understands a market, what the users want and need, what to sell for what price, can instantly go into business as a authority source: an actual independent publishing and news service.
Without getting too technical, the underlying technology frankly is the ultimate search advertising tool: making it possible for a Blog owner to build ever growing link popularity and internet presence in general for an industry, and to use or contract out that power to feed business to a client or target business of his or her choice.
Make no mistake, Blogs are becoming part of the real fabric of the internet, and they are here to stay!
Here is a prediction: the Blog owner of today will dominate the Internet of the future.
Choose a specialty, start a Blog ($1,500.00 up and running), sell your services: YOU ARE NOW IN BUSINESS!