Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: Kids Cartoon is A Must Watch for All Ages!

Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends is one of the best cartoons that has come around in a very long time! Granted, I am a bit older than the average age for children and teens who enjoy cartoons but I have to admit, this particular cartoon caught my attention and I cannot pull away! Although this show has been on the air since 2004, I actually sat through an episode earlier this summer and was hooked. It has some of the funniest humor and references which make me believe this show was not created completely for kids but for adults alike.

The first thing I really liked about this show was the premise behind it. Basically, when a child creates an imginary friend in their imagination, they actually become real. When the child grows up and doesn’t need an imaginary friend anymore, they are sent to Foster’s home where Madame Foster is the caretaker and brings in all the “friends” and takes care of them.

Now, that background information alone was enough to entice me to find out what in the world this show was about. It was completely different than any other cartoon on television and I figured if my 18-year-old brother was suggesting I check it out, you know it’s got to be good.

The few episodes I’ve seen have had some references to Star Wars, Orlando Bloom and the Ice Capades. The humor is so offbeat it’s good! Bloo’s character is so undeniably inappropriate, you can’t help but laugh! This show has began to get so popular, it has launched an online game which is accessible by visiting and clicking on the Big Fat Awesome House Party link. In this game, you create your own imaginary friend and get to name him. After you’ve created your own friend, you’re given daily chores to do before you can play the mini-games in the game room.

The game room is set-up like an arcade. You can win a number of things depending on your high score. Eventually, you get your own bedroom and win furniture to decorate your room with! It’s a really addicting game and it’s a lot of fun to play the mini-games as well. The online game creates an attachment with its player because through the summer months, more and more mini-games become available and certain parts of the house are now accessible.

The main characters of the show are a combination of human and imaginary friends. The main characters are Bloo and Mac. Mac is Bloo’s creator and they are best friends. Mac’s character is the one that gets everyone out of a bind and always knows exactly what to do in a tough situation. Bloo, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He craves attention and only thinks about himself. However, he does get very possessive of his buddy, Mac and will do anything to make sure Mac doesn’t love interest in him.

Some of their friends are Eduardo, Wilt and Coco. Eduardo is the big purple monster type character except that he’s not supposed to be scary at all. Although he’s big and other people may be scared of him, he’s been coined the scaredy cat of the bunch. I’m not talking scared of heights or bugs – I’m talking about being scared of frisbees and potatoes. He’s scared of anything and everything you can imagine. Oh, did I mention he speaks in a combination of Spanish and English?

Wilt is a very tall, lanky and red imaginary friend. He loves basketball and he’s dressed the part. He’s the sensitive and most helpful friend in the house. If you need anything, Wilt is your guy. He is voiced by the ever popular, Phil LaMarr, who also does the voice for Samurai Jack, another cartoon that airs on the Cartoon Network.

Coco is a crazy bird like creature who no one watching can understand what she’s saying. She will randomnly lay eggs, which look like the plastic Easter eggs that are included in Easter baskets that contain candies inside. Coco’s eggs do include goodies, except that they can be random things that nobody has any use for. Always expect Coco to bring a little flare and attitude to the show.

Madame Foster is a human on the show and is the owner of Foster’s Home or Imaginary Friends. Although she’s a tiny old lady, she’s got a lot of personality and always has a trick up her sleeve. Her imaginery friend is Mr. Herriman.

Mr. Herriman is a human sized rabbit that Madame Foster created when she was a child. Madame Foster has appointed Mr. Herriman in charge of the household and he makes sure all the friends in the house do their chores. He basically takes care of all that needs taking care of in the household.

Frankie Foster works at the home and is Madame Foster’s granddaughter. She pretty much dislikes Mr. Herriman because he is so straight laced and proper while she is a bit more lenient and likes to joke around like her grandmother. However, because Mr. Herriman is always hounding her in making sure that all the responsibilities she has around the house are complete, she’s usually complaining to everyone else in the house to keep up with their chores as well.

All in all, this show is one of the funniest shows on television and you won’t feel about letting your child watch it. I mean, if an adult can find humor with it – you know you won’t want to cringe when you hear it’s theme song. Instead, you’ll race to the television alongside of your kids. The show airs 7:30 every night, Eastern and Pacific times. Make sure to check it out and find out what the big deal about this show is! You won’t regret it!

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