Four Advantages of Convection Heaters

One of the first advantages of convection heaters is speed. Radiant heaters produce heat that circulates the room naturally while heaters that work by convection push air past heating coils. This means that convection heaters will heat an area much faster than radiant heaters can. This is an excellent benefit if there is more than one person in the room or if people aren’t just sitting in one place. While these heaters will heat a room faster, they also don’t have the risks associated with other heaters.
Another advantage of convection heaters is safety. The convection heater is the safest type of electric heater. This is because their outside surface only gets warm. While convection heaters may get very warm, they will never get hot enough to burn you. Also, the heating elements of these heaters are not exposed. This means they will never come into contact with newspaper, curtains, or other flammable objects.
The amount of area convection heaters are capable of heating is also an advantage. Radiant heaters will provide heat to the area closest to the heater. This is ideal if you only need to heat a specific area of the room. Convection heaters heat an entire room instead of a certain area.
One of the final advantages of convection heaters is one of the most important. These heaters are inexpensive compared to their radiant cousins. Convection heaters capable of producing 5,000 BTUs per hour will cost you less than $50. There are also some models that cost as little as $15 while high-end models can cost you as much as $100.
These are some of the advantages of using convection heaters instead of radiant heaters. These heaters will heat an entire room faster than radiant heaters. Convection heaters are also safer because their outside surface doesn’t get hot enough to burn you or set other materials on fire. One of the best advantages is their cost, as they are relatively inexpensive.