Four Fantastic Ideas for Decorating a Yard with Rock Cairns

Meticulously stacked stones have different meanings to those who select and stack them. Some are meant to point the way in a wooded or another natural setting. Some are memorials, and others hold spiritual meaning that transcends our physical surroundings. No matter the reason or the implication, consider decorating your yard in gorgeous and deeply inspiring and meaningful ways. Consider these four fantastic ideas for embellishing your property with rock cairns, and create a space with profound personal meaning.
Create a Rock Cairn in a Fountain or Garden Pond
Many rock cairns are found by bodies of water. When seeking ideas for decorating your yard with stacks of stones, consider creating a stacked arrangement in a shallow garden pond or a fountain. Collect eye-catching flat stones that will stack well, and pile them up with the largest as the base. The natural colors and designs on the rocks will stand out when continually soaked with water.
Make Cairns on Four Corners of Your Property
If your rock cairns hold special spiritual meaning, prominently display them on four corners of your property. They can serve as memorials to those who have passed on. When decorating your yard with spiritually motivated works of stacked rock art, plant flowers and/or foliage around them. They might be tiny blue forget-me-not flowers, clovers, wild violets or another plant that has personal significance.
Place Mini Rock Cairns in a Fairy Garden
A fairy garden is a must for those who want to provide a special place for pixies or sprites who might be passing through. When setting up your fairy garden, in addition to providing miniature furnishings that were lovingly made from natural materials, add two or three miniature rock cairns. They will serve as welcome signs for little people while beautifully enhancing your fairy garden.
Create Stenciled Text on Every Other Stone
If you want to let the world know the meaning of your rock cairns, consider decorating the rocks with text. Stencil a word on every other stacked stone. For example, your cairn can say, Home Sweet Home. Another fantastic option is the stacking of individual words. Consider adding, Hope, Faith and Love in between stacked rocks. No matter the placement or arrangements that you choose, they will look fascinating, decorative and mystical.
Source: Advanced Crafting Experience
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design