Four Fantastic Ways to Cover and Decorate Metal Letters for Walls

Visit major craft stores and you will find letters and numbers made especially for decorating walls and other horizontal surfaces. Metal varieties are the most durable and thinnest of all, and they are just as easy to decorate as cardboard, foam and wooden varieties. Most are black, dark brown or another neutral hue, and they are incredibly easy to cover and embellish. Consider one of the following four fantastic ways to jazz up basic metal text, and personalize a room in your home in a stylish new way.

Decorate Them with Dozens of Pennies

These days very few thing are only a penny. Instead of saving them for a rainy day, use them as decorative crafting supplies. When seeking ways to cover and decorate metal letters for walls, put your pennies to good use. Cover the lettering with pennies using LePage’s Metal Epoxy. Use shiny new coins or a mixture of old and new. If you like the look of copper, you will love the results.

Cover Metal Letters with Faux Gems

If glitzy wall decor is more your style, cover metal letters with faux gems. To save money, buy them by the box instead of by the sheet. It will take dozens of small jewels to cover a single letter. To make the lettering more legible, use a single color to embellish each letter instead of a conglomerate of hues. Also, do not rely on peel-and-stick adhesive. Even if they are the self-sticking variety, add a dot of E6000 adhesive for a permanent bond.

Stamp Them with Enamel Designs

Acrylic craft paint will not adhere well to metal letters, but nail enamel will. The small jars are the perfect size for decorating lettering for walls. Pour a small amount onto an old plate. Use rubber stamps or homemade stampers to add enamel designs. Imagine your lettering covered with hearts, flowers or other interesting shapes. Use a paint brush to add glittery enamel details. After it dries, small faux gems can be used to further enhance the designs.

Cover Them with Bolts and Gears for an Industrial Look

Metal bolts and small gears are good for more than just construction and repairs. They can be used to cover and decorate letters for a unique industrial look. Attach bolts and visually interesting metal gears using LePage’s Metal Epoxy. The bolts can be found in any hardware store, and decorative gears are available where a wide variety of craft supplies are sold. They will turn ordinary lettering for walls into industrial works of amazing art.

Source: Advanced Crafting Experience

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