Four Men Arrested in Kidnapping of Jill Carroll

Four Iraqi men have been arrested for the kidnapping of Jill Carroll. Jill Carroll, a journalist for the Christian Science Monitor, was kidnapped and her photographer shot to death in Baghdad in January. Jill Carroll remained a hostage until she was released in early April.

If this story doesn’t strike a nerve in your memory, it may be because it was only covered by the major American news networks when there was a temporary lull in the far more important and far-ranging case of the supposed murder of Natalee Holloway. Nancy Grace, Dan Abrams and the entire crew of Fox News became obsessed with the missing person case of the slightly attractive, but blond Natalee Holloway and managed to find several hours each day to devote to her story, regardless of whether any movement forward in the investigation had actually taken place or not. Meanwhile, a young woman who wasn’t interested in partying at bars with strange foreign men, but who actually wanted to present a picture of an enemy that was completely at odds with the widespread sweeping indictment of a culture that we are used to being presented by the media was virtually ignored unless a videotape of men pointing guns at her while she cried happened to be released.

I thought it important to released the news that her alleged kidnappers had been captured. You probably won’t hear it on CNN, MSNBC or Fox tonight. I hear a straw that was allegedly dropped in the same city that Natalee Holloway disappeared in was found on a garbage barge floating off the coast of Costa Rica. Well, at least we know what Nancy Grace will be covering for the next week.

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