Four Places for Great Christmas Decorations in Raleigh

For the sophisticated shopper who wants only the best in decorations, ornaments and artificial trees there is one place that can meet this need. This is Watkins Flowers of Distinction on Capital Blvd. Located right off at the intersection with Capital and 440, it is easy to reach from anywhere in the city.
Watkins started preparing early this year for the Christmas rush. Not only a retailer, but also a supplier to many small retail establishments, the Christmas decorations are placed out a little earlier than most. If you want to see all of the choices in top of the line decorations, this is definitely the place. Watkins has two floors of greenery, ornaments, statuary, angels, wreaths and hangings.
Watkins Flowers of Distinction
2731 Capital Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 872-3333
(800) 572-3338
Store Hours Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8:30-3
If you are more in mind for a international flavor for this year’s celebration, try Ten Thousand Villages. This interesting little shop in Cameron Village shopping center has selections from all over the planet.
Designed to provide income for artisans in Third World areas, the shop is always full of surprises. It is one of the best places to pick up that very special Manger. It may be hand carved in a rare wood (hopefully not endangered), chiseled in stone or made of unusual materials.
Because the shop is international you will find items here with symbols of all religious faiths. So if you are only celebrating the secular holiday and prefer something else, you will most certainly find what pleases you.
Located in Cameron Village, this will not be the only shop you will be able to visit. There are a hundred of nearby shops, many of which will have their seasons best on just for you.
This is a wonderful place to purchase a gift that gives twice.
Shops of Cameron Village, The
1900 Cameron Street, Raleigh, NC 27605
(919) 821-1350
Ten Thousand Villages
Cameron Village
435 Woodburn Road
Raleigh, NC 27605
(919) 821-1100
Store Hours: Mon-Sat: 10-8 Sun: noon-5
If you like malls for ornament shopping Crabtree Valley Mall on Glenwood Avenue has a store that has ornaments as its major focus. Santa’s Ornaments is located on the lower level near the Pottery Barn. They have seasonal vendors throughout the mall. Many of the seasonal vendors will be selling Christmas decorations, such as your pets picture on a seashell.
(Crabtree Mall)
Santa’s Ornaments Lower Level near Pottery Barn
Should the previous shops miss the mark a bit, you can always go back to nature.
Raleigh is a large city that hasn’t figured that out yet. Less than a few miles south of the State Capital building (which is snuggled into the midst of an urban city center) you can find farms, trees and farm animals. North of Tryon Road you see modern building, stores, neighborhoods with pools, schools, parking lots, and all the trappings of city life.
South of Tryon going down Lake Wheeler Road, you see only the slow beginnings of urbanization. You can still see farms, cows, horses, fields and trees.
Here you can find Back Achers Christmas Tree farm. Here the trees smell fresh, feel fresh and are fresh. In addition to the trees a selection of tree related items are available. This makes a nice outing for the whole family.
This is an excellent choice for those who prefer a very traditional (real) tree Christmas.
Back Achers Christmas Tree
4533 Inwood Road
Raleigh, NC 27603-3317
(919) 821-2071
(off Lake Wheeler Road)