Four Places to Call to Clean Up a Crime Scene Near Raleigh, North Carolina

Just suppose for a minute you own one of the five or six hundred or so houses or business places where a homicide or suicide will occur this year in North Carolina. Or perhaps you have the misfortune to be the officer in charge of these scenes.

Drawing the chalk lines and safeguarding the scene are just the beginning. Once the evidence has been collected and sent off to the lab, someone is going to have to clean up the scene. It is probably not the job with the highest fun rating.

The good news is that in most cases the homeowner or business insurance will pay for the clean up. The bad news is that for most of us, we have little knowledge of just how this works. In the most serious cases such as homicides the homeowner or business person will have access to someone from their local police unit that can suggest steps that need to be taken. You may also get guidance from the insurance company.

The nature of the event may make a large difference in how much aid you get from the authorities and the insurers. An accidental death with blood spatters versus a homicide with blood spattered evidence could receive very different handling from the authorities.

If you went for the cheapest rates on your insurance and your agent is a thousand miles away, don’t count on much assistance. If you live in a small, quiet town or the quiet part of a larger city your local authorities may be scratching their heads on just how to handle the situation. In a dangerous part of a city it may just be a routine thing.

Should you be told you are responsible for getting the clean up done, there are folks who will be glad to help you right here in North Carolina.

Carolina Crime Scene Recovery, located in the Greensboro/Winston-Salem area about 80 miles west of Raleigh and an equal distance from Charlotte is well situated to serve the region. They have a strong focus on crime scene clean up.

One of the claims this organization makes is that it was founded by a 16 year veteran of Crime Scene Investigations. Given the current hit of the CSI shows, it would be interesting to see a person with CSI experience at work. That would not justify any crime just to see how it is managed. Experience does have value, should you experience a need they can be contacted at:

Carolina Crime Scene Recovery, Inc
P.O. Box 242
Colfax, NC 27265
(336) 870-0122

I have noticed that these organizations seem to work from a post box versus a street address. It may just be to add mystery or because they handle a lot of other nasty cleanups. It may also be to keep victims or potential perpetrators from knocking on their door at odd hours.

Just north of Raleigh, NC is another firm located in Youngsville (Franklin County). Here you can find a group focused more on the external environment. So if your crime happened outdoors or might affect a fragile or protected area, these might be the right team for you.

Just to prove my theory of no street address to add mystery is incorrect, they have a real street address.

PROTECT Environmental Services, LLC
7104 Sandy Pines Dr
Youngsville, NC 27596

(919) 554-3655


If you happen to live in Raleigh and want a local clean up firm, Atlantic Decon Serice is as local as you can get. They have a regional focus providing services in the Mid-Atlantic region. But they are located in Raleigh, if that is important. Like Protect Environmental, they have a real street address. No mystery here. To contact them:

Atlantic Decon Service
4756 Swordfish Drive
Raleigh, NC 27603

(919) 661-9089


Also in Raleigh the local Servpro dealer does this type of clean up. As my original theory began with no street address, they work through a box number. They also provide their names which kind of removes some of the mystery. I have obviously watched too many episodes of CSI Miami. You can contact them at:

Robertson, Carlton & Patricia
P.O. Box 97428
Raleigh, NC 27624
(919) 790-1222

With the exception of Carolina Crime Scene, the other clean up organizations have additional clean up services they provide as a major focus. So if you accidentally puncture a gas tank, spill a hazardous substance or have any other significant clean up chore, they may be able to help you.

We never seem to hear much if anything about the people who clean up the scenes of tragic accidents, murders and suicides. This probably indicates they are doing an excellent job.

It would not make very interesting TV viewing to see the cleaners chose between different brands of bleach and tell how the stains can be removed to salvage a favorite golf bag.

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