Four Things to Consider Before Installing a Bathtub

Installing a bathtub usually proves to be a major task. There are a few considerations you need to make before starting this project. Some of these include the plumbing, weight, and size of the new tub. This article will discuss some of the things you need to consider before installing a bathtub.


One of the first things you need to consider before installing a bathtub is the size. Most tubs are installed in homes before the walls and floor have been completed. Even if you want to replace your tub with one of the same size, you may have trouble getting it inside. You may have to consider buying a sectional tub instead of a one-piece tub.


Another thing to consider before installing a bathtub is the weight. You will need to make sure the floor in your bathroom is capable of supporting the weight of the new tub. The floor won’t need to support just the weight of the tub, but its weight when filled with water. If you are plan on installing a larger bathtub, you may need to have the floor joists reinforced.

Water Heater

You also need to consider the size of your hot water heater before installing a bathtub. If you are upgrading your tub to a larger size, your current water heater may not have the capacity to fill it. There won’t be enough heated water, so your bath will be lukewarm. You should consider getting a bathtub that has an in-line heater. This heater will heat the bath water and circulate it continuously.


One of the next things you need to think about before installing a bathtub is your current plumbing lines. Most homes have the standard water pipes that measure a half-inch. If you buy a large tub, it will take a long time to fill it with these pipes. Therefore, you might want to installer larger water pipes while installing a bathtub.

These are a few things you need to consider before installing a bathtub. You may even have a difficult time replacing the tub with one of the same size because most are installed before the walls and floor are finished. You also need to make sure the bathroom floor is capable of supporting the weight of the new tub. If you are installing a larger bathtub, you may also need to install larger water pipes so it doesn’t take so long to fill the tub.

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