Four Tips for Buying Cold Laminators

One of the first things you need to consider when buying cold laminators is their maximum laminating width. The ideal design for you will be determined by the width of the materials you intend to laminate most often. Smaller cold laminators will have a maximum laminating width of 8.5 inches. Larger designs can accommodate between 12 and 24 inches.
One of the next things you need to consider when buying cold laminators is their type. You will have to choose between a pouch and film design. The first type holds the items to be laminated in pockets of laminating material. These cold laminators are very simple to use. They also have the tendency to produce stiffer results. Also, you will usually have to trim away excess material after the process has completed.
There are also film designs. These cold laminators use a roll of laminating material that is fed through the machine to laminate the material. The item is enclosed on both sides with the laminating material. Like the pouch designs, they are also convenient to use.
You should also think about the number of sides the cold laminators can work with. Some designs will only laminate both sides. However, there are also cold laminators that will only laminate one side of the item. This is useful when the back of the item will be facing a wall. It’s best to choose a design that will attach adhesive to the back instead of the laminating material.
One of the final things to think about when buying cold laminators is control. It’s best to look for a design that has a reverse function. Sometimes rolls or pouches will become stuck in the cold laminators. A reverse function will allow you to remove the stuck items easily. Also, you should look for a design that will allow you to adjust the speed of the machine.
These are a few tips for buying cold laminators. You should look for a design that has a reverse function so that you can remove obstructions easily. Also, you should try to find cold lamina tors that will let you adjust the speed.