Four Tips for Winterizing a Central Air Conditioning Unit

With Winter here or fast approaching, taking the appropriate measures to winterize your central air conditioning unit now, can save you time, money, and stress, later.

One: Clear away any leaves or debris that are in, on, or around the unit. This will help keep these items from clogging up and drying inside the moveable parts of the unit. You can use a whisk broom for the top, a rake for the sides, and the handle of the rake, if necessary, to get items out from underneath the unit. Just remember to exert caution when probing around underneath it, so as to not accidentally damage it in any way. Or, if you prefer, you can use a garden hose to clear dirt off and away from the unit. If you are going to apply a cover, make sure you allow ample time for the water in the unit, from the garden hose, to dry sufficiently before you apply it.

Two: Purchase a specialized, waterproof central air conditioning unit cover. This will help protect the unit from the elements and future stray leaves, dirt, and debris. These covers are usually well under fifty dollars and come in a variety of neutral and colored colors as well as designs and prints. They not only protect the unit, but they also aid in keeping warm air inside of the home, and cold air out.

Three: Use bungee cords or ties on the cover of your central air conditioning unit to ensure it stays in place. Check it regularly throughout the Winter to ensure it has not shifted or otherwise moved out of place.

Four: Seal off central air conditioning vents and ducts during the Winter season. These areas are big sources of draft and heat waste within the home. Be sure to not only seal the ducts you can see within the home, but also those you cannot, such as the ones that may be running through an attic, garage, or crawlspace. This is simple to do. You purchase a tape that is approved for this type of work (consult a professional if you are unsure of which type to buy) and use it to seal up the seams and the place where the ducts connect throughout the home. Just remember to remove all of the sealant prior to using the central air conditioning unit in the future.

With a few steps of precaution, you can easily help further the life of your central air conditioning unit, and save yourself expenses, both realized and potential, in the future.

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