Fourth of July Parties with a Bang

The first thing to think about when planning a party is what color scheme should be used to decorate for the party. Well, it’s a Fourth of July party, therefore, it seems reasonable to decorate using red, white, and blue or any combination of those colors. For, example, you could decorate your house or apartment with red, white, and blue crepe paper. If your Fourth of July party is outdoors then, you can decorate the outside party area in the same manner. Other decorating ideas for a Forth of July include buying many American flags and placing them around the party area. Also, you can buy banners that say “Happy Forth of July” on them and hang them around the party area. If you are really creative and patriotic, you could paint a mural for your Forth of July party. The mural could have a bald eagle, an American flag, fireworks, Uncle Sam, and an apple pie on it. But, remember, decorating ideas for a Fourth of July party are endless as long as long as they are creative and the colors of red, white, and blue are incorporated into the party’s scheme.
A Fourth of July party is all about food, drink, and entertainment. Many people celebrate the Fourth of July by inviting their friends and family to a barbeque. And, having a barbeque seems to be a great way to have a party on the Fourth of July party. You could barbeque hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs which can be pork or beef, steak, and sometimes on the East Coast, people barbeque lobster. Some side dishes for a Forth of July fest could include potato salad, co-slaw, corn, and baked beans which originated in Boston. Forth of July drinks can include regular and raspberry iced tea, Hawaiian Punch, beer and, any alcoholic drink that is red white or blue such as a strawberry daiquiri. The desserts that can be served for a Fourth of July party are endless. A typical Forth of July dessert is apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream. Also, strawberries and blueberries with whipped cream. Since ice cream seems to be a big dessert item on Forth of July, root beer floats with regular vanilla or French vanilla ice cream are popular for Fourth of July parties. Also, cupcakes decorated with red, white, or blue frosting are great for Fourth of July festivities. Just remember because of the heat, keep the Forth of July fest light and refreshing.
The Forth of July entertainment is all about fireworks, music, and movies. Therefore, a Fourth of July party could include all party goers going out on the lawn with either blankets or lawn chair and watching the colorful and beautiful fireworks. Also, the Boston Symphony Orchestra has a special that includes patriotic and classical music set to a fireworks display. This special seems appropriate to watch with some party goers ba city that is associated with America’s independence from England. A Fourth of July party has to be fun, festive, and patriotic. But, most of all keep safe and have fun at a Fourth of July party.