Free Bathroom Design Plans

This site offers twelve pages of floor plans in many shapes and sizes for your new bathroom. Each plan shows a drawing, dimensions, and square feet of the bathroom it depicts. It also gives you to opportunity to view the plan in 3D, download, print, or email to a friend. Besides offering the free floor plans, the site also gives you the opportunity to download software that will allow you to “virtually design your bathroom”.
A Bathroom Guide
This site offers many tips and products for designing a bathroom. It also offers a bathroom design gallery where you can view and rate a selection of the best bathroom designs. One nice feature of the site is that it has links to several online tools and calculators to determine how much your bathroom design is going to cost. Also, if you decide you just cannot do it yourself, there are details on how to contact a designer who can help you out.
This site offers many resources to help you make the right decision when it comes to your bathroom. There are several floor plans broken into three categories: small, medium, and large. Also, there is a “bath selection tool” that will assist you in finding the perfect bath for your new bathroom. If you look further through the site you will find many articles on designing your bathroom and several tools and guides including a “remodeling checklist” which will assist you with planning your budget.
Service Magic
This site does not offer specific design plans but rather gives a lot of helpful advice that you may have overlooked when thinking about your new bathroom design. It also provides several links that will help you with your design or finding a contractor
This site offers many articles on designing your bathroom. It includes everything from Japanese bathroom design to luxury bathroom design. The articles are very informative and will likely become a valuable source to you when designing your bathroom.
Bathroom Plan Designs
This site offers advice on how to pick out different bathroom fixtures such as the bathtub, toilet, sink, etc. It gives advantages and disadvantages of remodeling your bathroom. Also, it helps you decide whether you should do the remodeling yourself or if it is too much so you should hire a contractor.
Good luck with your bathroom design endeavors!