Free Bedroom Design Plans Online

Fine Living Network This site has articles and a photo gallery of bedrooms to inspire you when decorating or re-designing your bedroom. At least a search says so, I can’t find them! What a disappointment after watching design inspiring shows on the network. 1 empty pillowcase Detailed do it your self projects for bedroom design. This is more like it. There are slides and some projects have cost tally breakdowns. 4 pillows This free design site has slides of 109 bedrooms. A design my room feature has information from designer Robert Verdi and others. The site has articles to read and glean design information from. One is entitled, “Design Secrets For A Sexy Bedroom”. I love the gallery photos from this article and would love the ultimate canopy. My husband on the other hand would run for a John Wayne video and clutch a football while watching said movie until I give up that room idea. A series of articles under the Most Popular column entitled “The Bedroom Guide” is a worthwhile search which leads to “The Bedroom Gallery” a series of bedroom slides. 3 and 1/2 pillows Interior Decorating section This free information site has good information for a would be do it yourself bedroom designer. The Interior Decorator who writes for the site knows her business and has a lot of knowledgeable articles. 3 and 1/2 pillows This free design site has step by step projects, design photos, small spaces, a variety of bedrooms from contemporary to eclectic, country and traditional just to name a few. There is budget decorating, kids bedrooms, Master bedrooms and guest rooms. There are slide photos with 360 degree views. There are paint and floor help sections and window treatment guides. 4 and 1/2 stars Now we are in business. This free design site with so much more has over 2000 articles for bedroom designs. There is so much information at this site. Any taste in style can be found here. There are featured projects from Design On A Dime Shows to the ultra designed rooms by designer Candace Olsen.
There are videos, aids, articles and advice. If you can’t find free bedroom design help here you must face the fact that it’s time to hire someone. 5 ultra pillows
I found that doing an on line bedroom design search led to frustration. Some searches led me to sites that had a few clear slides then others in shadow. You had to pay a nearly $100.00 fee to see more. Ridiculous. I did find a virtual decorator feature at when I clicked on the Extreme Makeover Home Edition page. It was interesting to change room wall color, flooring and contents with it. If you have time it’s worth looking at. has a multitude of bedroom design articles and has some good ideas. If you are planning to decorate a new room or taking on a re-design project you should find the free bedroom design sites that I’ve listed helpful for your project. Here’s to a 5 pillow room for you.