Free Home Design Software for Those on an Extreme Budget

Free home design software varies from freeware to shareware to web-based applications that are designed to make it as simple as possible to design your home, your project, or a simple landscape. Some software has a basic program available as well as a professional package for those looking for more advanced features. If you are just looking for something with few bells-and-whistles, then check out some of the free home designs programs below:

Google SketchUp is from-you guessed it-Google. Within a couple of hours, you should be able to plan out any project you can think of. The interface is easy to maneuver, letting you use your mouse for everything. Draw lines, create 3D boxes, erase, and adjust without spending days getting to know the program. There are video tutorials and live online classes available if you want to get into deeper features of SketchUp. A Professional version is available which allows you to add text and other graphics and export to popular CAD and 3D programs.

Envisioner Express is a free home design software download which can also import files for review from other popular design programs. Envisioner is meant to be used for residences because the objects included are real-world objects like stairs and windows. There are two main views in which you see your creation: blueprint mode is a 2D representation of your model and full mode is your 3D building on top your blueprint. This program is great for beginners so you can get use to reading floor plans and blueprints.

If you need something even more basic than those mentioned above, then check out Designworkshop Lite. It’s easy-to-use interface and drafting functions will make you look professional. You can design rooms, homes, and even landscapes. In the Lite version, the save function is disable for projects with over 100 objects or 1000 polygons, but you can print.

For true detailed functionality you might want to consider purchasing home design software that can support what you need. The free home design software programs can introduce you to the basics of computer home design and let you test out your creativeness without laying out a fortune.

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