Free Horticulture and Gardening Courses from Utah State University

Gardeners love to learn about their hobby. We feed on new books, new trends, and new ideas. Some of us have gone on to take master gardening classes and are always looking for frugal ways to increase our continuing education. These classes do not give college credit or degrees, but for those wanting to expand their horticulture education, they are worth their weight in gold.

Vegetable Gardening and Lawn Care

Click on “Course Material” on the far left. There are six classes in this course assignment; soil preparation, soil preparation Q&A, the vegetable garden, vegetable garden Q&A, turf grass and water use, and turf grass and water use Q&A.

Annuals and Perennials

Click on “Download this Course” on the far right. There are seven classes in this course assignment; the introduction, overview, annuals, perennials, sustainability, woody plants, and the summary.


Click on “Download this Course” on the far right. There are seven classes in this course assignment; the introduction, overview, preparation, preparation-plant materials, transplanting, aftercare, and the summary.


Click on “Download this Course” on the far right. Classes are divided into three sections. The Pruning Overview section has nine sections; the introduction, overview, pruning rationale, pruning physiology pt. 1, pruning video clip, pruning physiology pt. 2, equipment, other considerations, and the summary. The Pruning Deciduous Trees section has six sections; the introduction, overview, when to prune, making the correct cut, special topics, and the summary. The Other Landscape Pruning section has 12 sections; the introduction, overview, conifers, yews, normal trees, spreading, shaped, shrubs, hedges, vines, artistic, and the summary.


Click on “Download this Course” on the far right. Classes are divided into two sections. The Fertilizer Overview section has seven sections; the introduction, overview, fertility basics part one, fertility basics part two, toxicity, deficiency, and the summary. The Fertilizer pH Basics section has nine sections; the introduction, overview, fertilization types part one, fertilization types part two, timing turf, timing trees, method turf, method trees, and the summary.

There are more classes available from this university. Some others available include climate and landscapes, soils and landscapes, plants and landscapes, irrigation, weed control, plant diseases and chemicals, and landscape problems. Browsing through the website can net you even more free course goodies designed to help continue your education on your own time without need for a classroom.


Utah State University

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