Free Items: A Free Site Where Everything is Totally Free to Those in Need

There are simular sites out there today that claim the same, however, many have strict rules that eliminate a majority of the communities. These sites require that you post an item before asking for a need, then wait a week before asking for an item.
During that time, our landfills are piling up to the hilt with items people could actually use or really need.
Another rule they require is that you stay within or very near your own county. They do this by having you send your zip code to the moderator (manager) of the group, who then decides if they want you to join the group. However, I am certain that they never refuse thier own friends or family in another county. I was denied by several groups before deciding to start my own because of these rules. If i was in desperate need of a car for example, and there is a member of another group three hours away, I would certainly find a way to get there to get that unwanted vehicle as would anyone else who really needed it. I would never know this if I could not join that group. Another example is that if someone has to find a home for a pet right away, they may not have time to wait. In other simular groups, you must wait a certain time between posts. Freegate allows you to post as many offers or need as you need to (needs within reason), as long as the content is legal and appropriate for all all ages.
I founded FreeGate in May of 2006 and less than a month later, I have over one hundred and eighty members and rising. The main group started here in Jacksonville, Florida. No one is denied to join based on where they live. I have expanded to different counties and cities, even different states. I plan to build a main home site where anyone can find a group within their own county, city or state. If anyone does not see their area for a group, I encourage them to e-mail me with a request to expand to that area.
My rules are few and simple. Post an item or a need for an item and put your county within the post ,so that others will know if they are within(or can get to that area) to pick the item up. No chat, I have built a site, just for those who feel the need to chat and the link is within the homepage on links. I actually had to eliminate a moderator who did this. No selling, there is also a link to a site I built to please those who need to sell items rather than give them away. No personal opinions that hurt others feelings, this is like insulting someone in a crown rather than pulling them to the side if you have a problem with them. I do not judge anyone as they may have reasons beyand what we can understand from just a post. Normally,I do not moderate my sites, only at times when I feel I have to for a limited time.
I was taking a walk in my neighborhood, when I happened upon a guy who was cleaning up his yard, he had many items that he was getting rid of and I stopped to ask him about these items. He was familiar with another simular site and in fact his friend is moderator of that site. He told me he had to get rid of these items right away and was unaware that he could post it to a site and ask that it be picked up within twenty four to fourty eight hours before he had to trash it. He had many good items, such as a pop-up camper, a sailboat, bicycles, lumber… I told him about FreeGate and he was very happy to know about this site. This is a good example of helping others in the community. Many members even stop to pick items up that are being thrown out that are atill salvagable and posting them to Freegate or other sites.
Finally, FreeGate is the site to be if you want to help others. I also encourage other non-profit organizations to join. Members who do not have a to receive an item they need may benefit by this because a non-profit volunteer could help them by picking up the item for that person. Also, some non-profit organizations could benefit by receiving items they may need for their own organization, such as paint, lumber..for projects or clothing,toys..for foster children or orphans.