Free Language Arts Lesson Plans – High School

Ranking System
3 Site offers multiple relevant lessons/activities and is well organized.
2 Site offers some good information, but is not well organized or the area covered is very narrow.
1 Site offers only a few lessons/activities or has limited information, but is worth listing.
AskERIC Language Arts Page
A site with High School Language Arts lesson plans and activities in areas such as grammar, speech, listening comprehension, and MANY others. Rank: 3
The Lesson Plans Page
Offers hundreds of ideas and High School Language Arts lesson plans on all English topics, from reading comprehension, to parts of speech, to letter writing, etc. Each lesson plan is broken down into grade levels and gives step-by-step procedures and objectives. Rank: 3
Columbia Education Center –Language Arts Lesson Plans
Basic website that offers a clear-cut explanation to each High School Language Arts lesson plan. Lessons are detailed and easy to understand. Rank: 3
Web English Teacher
This site allows teachers to share resources and learn from each other. It includes lesson plans, activities, and resources for all areas in the English discipline. They range from poetry to Shakespeare to yearbook publishing. Rank: 3
Lesson Planz
Offers mainly reading and literature activity lessons, but has some grammar based lessons as well. The site is also broken down into 6-8 and 9-12 categories. Rank: 2
Education Planet Linguistics and Language Arts Page
This website has everything from links, information on many language arts subcategories, education news, and featured software. This site does not have a lot of specific High School Language Arts lesson plans or activities, but the content covers a broad range of Language Arts topics and is sure to help get the creative juices flowing. Rank: 2
Ed Helper
Ed Helper contains hundreds of websites that contain full High School Language Arts lesson plans, some with tests and worksheets attached. This site also has a link to various webquests. Rank: 2
Creative Writing for Teens
All types of activities and links to help support the writing process of students. Rank: 2
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Suggestions, examples, quizzes, and links to help the writing process. Rank: 1