Free Literature Lesson Plans – High School

Why spend hours clicking through the over 1,000 sites that are dedicated to High School Literature Lesson Plans? You waste valuable time perusing sites that don’t relate to your subject matter, whose material is sketchy at best, and where you cannot find a single resource to help you. Here we have listed some of the popular Literature esson plan websites and offered detailed descriptions of what you will find. We have also ranked each site based upon the quality, quantity and usefulness of its High School Literature lesson plans and activities. Best of all, each of these sites has been checked out and ranked by a certified Literature teacher!

Ranking System

3 Site offers multiple relevant lessons/activities and is well organized.

2 Site offers some good information, but is not well organized or the area covered is very narrow.
1 Site offers only a few lessons/activities or has limited information, but is worth listing.


Web English Teacher

This site allows teachers to share resources and learn from each other. It includes High School Literature lesson plans, activities, and resources for all areas in the English discipline. They range from poetry to Shakespeare to yearbook publishing.
Rank: 3

AskERIC Literature Page

A site with High School Literature lesson plans and activities for various novels, Shakespeare, poetry, and more.
Rank: 3

Cyberguides 6-8 score/cy68.html 9-12

This site offers many webquest-type activities students can do on many popular adolescent novels. These activities have step-by-step procedures for following the activity, as well as helpful online links students can use.
Rank: 3

Lesson Planz

Offers many High School Literature and Reading activites and lessons, including a few book specific lessons. The site is broken down into individual grade categories.
Rank: 3

The Lesson Plans Page

Offers hundreds of ideas and High School LIterature lesson plans on all English topics, from reading comprehension, to parts of speech, to letter writing, etc. Each lesson plan is broken down into grade levels and gives step-by-step procedures and objectives.
Rank: 2

Study Guides & Strategies

A great place for teachers to find information that might aid students with such things as improving reading skills or preparing for tests. The site breaks down each topic well and is clear and understandable.
Rank: 2

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet

A compiled list of scholarly Shakespeare resources and other original Shakespeare content including lesson plans and a timeline.
Rank: 1

Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators -Literature & Language Arts

This site has links for websites that offer an enormous range of different information for use in a classroom. This site is also a part of the official Discovery Channel website.
Rank: 1

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