Free Online Advertisements, Money Management and Business Success

I strongly believe in that Free Advertisements (online in particular) can work for the savvy business entrepreneur who is wise and willing to get successful returns from his/her investments. Small business owners (especially those who have recently started) and those that do not have the big money to invest, can benefit from good advice and proven success. But to receive the real benefits, there a simple steps and basic rules to follow. While some of these are presented in this article, others can be found (for FREE) on the world wide web or in public libaries.

Now, “advertising works best when the message you give (the ad) matches the product or service you are offering on your landing page” so it is extremely important that your ad is directed to the right people (E-Business Tutor at I am involved in online advertisements for a while now and I have seen all sorts of ads in the “wrong” category or even at the incorrect place. A little effort is all that’s necessary and you will see the benefits of placing you ads in the right place to reach the desired people – globally. The aim and end objective is for your ad to get the attention it deserves and not to fustrate you because it is not working. In addition, be careful not to create a situation where your “ads get the attention of your prospect in the wrong way. For an ad to generate a qualified lead or create an immediate sale, it must start off on the right foot” (Why Some Ads Fail Miserably While Others Succeed Wonderfully at Your ad may get the attention of someone, but it may not inform them enough to “click” on your ad, enter your web site and eventually do business with you. Your massage may have turned them off or because of how it was expressed, among other reasons.

It is also viral that you update your add consistently. This means to make sur your ad is not lost among the hundreds and thousands of other FREE ads. Most Free online advertise sites have a section for you to update your ad so it will remain “fresh.” In this context, it is also important to avoid those web sites (if you can) that do not offer a system for you to update your ad through a personal Account Management area. Some of the Online Companies I have “examined” do not offer such a system. But to avoid those, some of the more popular ones to do in fact offer FREE Online Advertisements to the public, with a System for you to log-in to your account to manage your ad include (but not exclusively) the following:

These are a few of the thousands or millions, but some of the others do not offer an up-dated account system or may only give you 7, 14 or 30 free days. Any other time will require some payment that are often to much for the savvy small business person who prefer to save, not waste, earn and then spend money wisely.

Now, some may say if you are going into business why not just get a loan or credit card. Credit cards can be good, but for the very short term. I prefer not to say anything against any Credit Card Company in particular, since I do believe they provide an effective and credible money offering system. But, if you are not large on the “ka ching” then some will still say a loan is next. Now the United States Small Business Association (SBA)web site do have some valuable information in this respect (and so do others). Anyway, “Applications should contain supporting information describing” among other things “collateral, and the personal gurantee of the business owner” (SBA Microloan Program:Information For Small Businesses at In otherwords, ther are a whole lot of others “attachments” that MUST be submitted in order to get the loan. If you are the very serious small business owner, then this may very well be one of the right path to take. But if you are the little business owner working from your private room in your place of dwelling with a PC that is not very 2006 up-to-date or you only have a few dollars to spare (at least for a while) then the Small Business Association, credit card or other loans may not be for you – right now. FREE Online Advertisements may just help!

The money management experts have told us time and time again that “If consumers feel good about about their current situation and about the future, they tend to spend more freely, which boosts economic growth. If they’re worried about things like job security, they tend to save more and spend less, slowing economic growth and the economy itself” (Morris amd Morris 1999, page 22). I know people who have opted to spend less when they are not sure of the returns on their investments. And, spending on advertisements is a form of investment since you expect the returns in money form to enhance future spending and investments. If you do not have the money to spend, be wise or “savvy” and use FREE Advertisements. When you earn, you will then expand your business with the Companies that offered you good free business by spending on paid advertisements and more diversified business thereby buliding trust and goodwill.

Again, the best financial experts will wisely say “…the easist way to manage your money is to hire someone else to do it…Your financial advisor can be your accountant, stockbroker, insurance agent, banker, financial planner – even an attorney or real estate agent” (Fisher and Turkington 1998, page 245). This is true and they have stated a diverse list of persons who can assist you with managing your money. But, remember that if your tiny dollars are weak (for the moment) you will have to be that “financial advisor” for the time being. FREE advise then become the necessity for you. The management of your money as it grows (from the benefits of FREE Online Advertisements, for example) will then need the services of experts. Just as your chances of successfully representing yourself in a serious legal matter is low, so the chances of correctly managing you income as it grows will be low if you are not a money management professional. So be wise accept good help.

In the the “10 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs” the author stated some of the the better ways to succeed as a small (or even large) business person. The general advice included, “Think success….Be passionate with what you do….Focus on your strengths….Never consider the possibility of failure….Plan accordingly….Work hard….Constantly Look for Ways to Network….Willingness to Learn….Persevere and have faith….Discipline yourself” (10 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs at While I generally agree with these secrets, you need to look at yourself before you fully say yes, I agree and start to comply. Some things may just not be for you. Realistic and rational business and self assessment needs to be done in line with these features. The features do work. I have implemented most of them and others I know have done 90% of them. But, i am always assessing the situation for there usefulness.

Finally, it is important to review your investments twice or at least once per year to make sure you are getting the correct advice and seeing the results. Here the concept is serious Business Investments that you may have would be the norm, but not entirely so. All and any form of investments must be reviewed. Your FREE Online Ads is no exception. Your money in the Bank or Housing Investments, or whatever kind are part of the money management family to be reviewed. To business savvy is easy to talk about (or write about) but to do the things that are necessary to achieve real results are not easy. But they can be successfully done.

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