Free Online Pen Pal Websites

If you would like to make new online friends, the following information will help you find like-minded friends and pen pals at various free pen pal websites. Along with tips and suggestions on placing free online pen pal ads, consider the following free pen pal websites. These free pen pal websites can assist you in finding pen pals and friends that share your unique interests, and you will have the chance to form valuable friendships that just might last a lifetime.
Tips for Placing Free Online Pen Pal Ads
Free E-mail Addresses
Free online pen pal websites are a great medium for meeting and making new friends and pen pals, but the unfortunate fact is, spammers use pen pal websites to find working e-mail addresses. Unscrupulous online business administrators surf the internet, and free pen pal websites are the perfect place to obtain valid e-mail addresses.
In your quest for new online pen pals, it’s wise to obtain a free e-mail address specifically for screening potential online pen pals. This is a great way to weed out e-mails from those wanting new customers instead of new pen pals and friends. After determining a new pen pal is someone you want to continue corresponding with, provide that new pen pal with your real e-mail address. This enables you to screen potential pen pals, and it also helps prevent unnecessary junk mail.
Visit to find a free e-mail address you can use specifically for placing and answering free pen pals ads. Taking the time to sign up for a free e-mail address is well worth the time if you plan on placing free online pen pal ads.
Creating Your Free Profile
If your free pen pal ad doesn’t capture attention, you won’t get very many responses – if you get any at all. Creating a profile that’s truthful is important, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enhance your profile with a little humor or creativity. Create a profile that lists important facts and information about you, but dramatize that information with witticism or other qualities that express your unique personality. Let your personality come out in your free online pen pal ads, and you are sure to get many responses.
When creating a profile to use for free pen pal ads, don’t offer too much personal information. Never list your last name, address, phone number, place of employment, or any other private info. When seeking a free online pen pal, providing this type of personal information is not necessary. If you find an online pen pal that eventually becomes a very good friend, then you might want to consider sharing more about yourself.
Tips for Answering Free Online Pen Pal Ads
When answering free online pen pal ads, be as creative as you were when placing your ads. Let your unique personality show in your responses, but don’t try to sound like someone you’re not. Keep bragging to a minimum, and just be yourself. Write letters to potential pen pals in the same manner as if you were speaking. This will allow your personality to come through, and people will get to know who you really are.
People love to talk about themselves, but when getting to know new online pen pals, it’s important to ask questions as well as provide information. This shows a genuine desire to learn more about a new pen pal. Asking questions also gives potential pen pals something to write about. If a pen pal can’t come up with something more to talk about, the correspondence probably won’t continue.
Place Free Pen Pal Ads at These Fantastic Free Pen Pal Websites
Find free pen pals from all over the world at this free pen pal website.
Mail Friends is another very good website to find pen pals and new friends for free.
Write Seniors is a free pen pal website designed specifically for senior citizens.
Kids’ Space Connection is a free pen pal website for kids age 16 and under.
Pen Pal Post is another free pen pal website that helps people find pen pals all over the world.
Irish Pen Pals is a free pen pal website that allows users to find free international pen pals.
I met some of my best friends through free pen pal websites. One of my best friends lives hundreds of miles away in the great state of Missouri, and another one of my best friends lives on the other side of the world in the beautiful country of Australia on Lamb Island. I wouldn’t have met either of these wonderful people if it wasn’t for the free services offered by free pen pal websites. Thanks to the internet and the generosity of pen pal sites that offer their services for free, I have met two very special people that I am proud to call my friends.